
After 14 years, the woman delivered quadruplets who are identical to each other: Here’s how the girls appear now

Multiple pregnancies are incredibly uncommon, with the probability of twins occurring estimated at just 2%, and the likelihood of quadruplets calculated at one instance in several tens of millions. Nonetheless, exceptions do exist. Fourteen years ago, during her initial ultrasound, Julia received the surprising news that she was carrying four embryos simultaneously in her womb.

The scenario was intricate as the children were developing in the same placenta, and there were no assurances regarding their health at birth. Julia was even counseled to consider terminating the pregnancy, but she vehemently declined.

After a caesarean section, it was discovered that all the girls were in good health, although two initially had low birth weights, which soon normalized. Yet, what truly stood out was not just Julia giving birth to quadruplets, but the striking resemblance shared by all four girls. This likeness has endured over time, leading to constant cases of mistaken identity among them.

Those in their vicinity are consistently fascinated by the extraordinary family, frequently attempting to distinguish differences among the girls, which are rare. They even sport matching glasses, adding to the intrigue.

The girls themselves are satisfied with their circumstances, as their similar appearance has earned them popularity. They have already been approached with collaboration offers from several clothing brands.