
Math question for kids sparks heated debate as people fail to agree on the right answer

It’s a common sentiment that mathematics isn’t the most beloved subject for many. It can be tough, occasionally perplexing, and quite challenging, particularly with concepts such as algebra, trigonometry, and calculus.

Yet, one might expect that adults should be able to answer questions that are typically posed to children.

It appears that what seems straightforward is not always so, as a seemingly simple math question shared by a Reddit user sparked considerable debate on social media. People struggled to agree on the correct answer.

The user who posted the tricky question mentioned that it left him puzzled as he tried to determine which of the four time options was closest to midnight.

The answers given were as follows:

  • A) 11.55am
  • B) 12.06am
  • C) 11.50am
  • D) 12.03am

“What do you think?” the poster wrote along with the math problem.


As expected, this prompted various answers and interpretations.

Many online users were convinced that the correct answer was A, while others questioned this choice, arguing that it didn’t make sense and asking how people arrived at that conclusion. One commenter even wrote, “Lmao, how are y’all saying A? That’s almost midday.”

On the other hand, those who chose A quickly offered their reasoning, with one person stating, “IT SAYS CLOSEST [TO] MIDNIGHT…NOT AFTER MIDNIGHT. A.”

A perplexed user questioned, “The question is phrased as ‘to’ midnight, not ‘from’ midnight. Shouldn’t A be correct since time only moves forward?”

Another user concurred that the wording of the question was likely the source of the confusion. “The ‘trick’ intended by the poster seems to hinge on deliberate language ambiguity. If I tell four friends, ‘Get here as close to midnight as you can,’ the one arriving at 11:55 AM wouldn’t be the winner,” someone commented.


Many people maintain that D is the correct answer. Their reasoning is as follows: “If it’s a trick question about semantics, the closest time ‘to’ midnight would be 11:55 AM, because by 12:03, it’s already past midnight. The closest time ‘from’ midnight would be 12:03 AM,” one user explained. “12:03 is just 3 minutes away from midnight, making it the closest of the options given. I’ve never heard “close to” used to mean anything other than this interpretation,” another user added.

What about you? Is this question giving you a headache too?

Tell us what you think the right answer is in the comment section below.

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